
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons lead the nation in advanced techniques and excellent outcomes. 我们在医院和门诊的基础上提供全方位的程序, 拥有治疗新生儿的专业知识, 儿童和青少年.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are at the forefront of the latest surgical techniques and comprehensive care. 我们与初级保健儿科医生密切合作, 家庭医生和儿科专家提供有效的治疗. 我们课程的亮点包括:

专业技能: 我们优秀的外科团队在许多不同领域拥有专业经验, 包括胃肠道(GI), 结直肠, 肿瘤学和胸外科. We’re also skilled at minimally invasive techniques that require fewer stitches and less recovery time. This means we’re able to perform procedures that address your child’s needs and deliver precise, 有效的治疗方法.

世界知名的计划: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院是治疗胸部异常的主要转诊中心, 包括漏斗胸(凹陷胸综合征). 这种疾病会导致胸部向脊柱方向塌陷. Patients come to us from all over the United States and around the world for surgical procedures to treat these conditions. Our surgeons lead the way in these and other techniques, which result in excellent outcomes.

治疗最小婴儿的经验:皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胎儿护理中心, 我们的产业部就在新生儿护理的旁边. 这意味着我们能够在婴儿出生后立即为他们提供高级护理. 一个多专业的外科医生团队, 母胎医学专家, cardiologists and neonatologists come together to offer exceptional care for babies with the full spectrum of conditions. 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胎儿护理中心.

便利性和可达性: Our expert surgeons are committed to serving members of our community at several locations throughout the Los Angeles area. 你的孩子在你住的地方附近接受世界级的门诊治疗. 我们专注于为每位患者提供便捷、全方位的护理.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons deliver effective care using the latest surgical techniques. 知道你的孩子在专家手中,你会感到很舒服. 我们的服务包括:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生擅长进行一系列手术, 从普通的门诊程序到需要住院的复杂手术. 不管你的孩子需要什么样的手术, our team of specialists is here to deliver the most advanced treatments and excellent surgical care.

我们提供几种微创手术, 包括极其精确的机器人手术技术. 微创手术通常需要更小的切口, 与传统(开放)手术相比,缝线更少,恢复时间更短. Our experts are also available to provide lifesaving trauma surgical support at the UCLA Mattel Pediatric Trauma Center and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.


在这个多专业护理中心, 儿科外科医生与母胎医学专家一起工作, 儿科和新生儿. Our team offers the full continuum of care for babies with congenital abnormalities and those who need surgical care when they’re born. 我们独特的设置使我们能够提前照顾妈妈和宝宝, 交货期间和交货后, 都在同一层.

在怀孕期间, 我们为父母提供产前咨询, 富有同情心的支持和关于孩子治疗计划的重要信息. 交货日, babies transition directly to neonatal care (and receive neonatal surgery if necessary) right after they’re born. 婴儿出生后立即接受至关重要的护理, 不用转到别的医院.

这种方法使我们的外科医生能够尽快提供治疗, 带来更好的结果. 它还允许父母和婴儿在治疗期间保持亲密.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons pioneered some of the first techniques to treat pectus excavatum, 儿童常见的胸部畸形. 漏斗胸也被称为凹陷胸综合征或漏斗胸. The condition causes the front ribs and breastbone (sternum) to appear sunken in or indented toward the spine. 在严重的情况下,这种紊乱会导致呼吸问题和心脏问题.

胸突(鸽胸)导致胸部突出或突出. Both disorders result from abnormal cartilage growth, usually during childhood or puberty.

Our surgeons specialize in minimally invasive techniques as well as traditional (open) surgery to treat these chest anomalies. Minimally invasive procedures are typically less painful and require a shorter hospital stay than traditional surgery. As a major referral center, we treat children from all over the world with these disorders. We work closely with you and your child to deliver 有效的治疗方法 that we customize based on your child’s age, 生活方式和整体健康.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons have experience performing the latest techniques to remove cancerous and benign (noncancerous) tumors. We partner with your child’s oncology team to deliver coordinated care and unwavering support at every step. 作为儿童癌症综合护理的领导者, 我们专门做一系列的手术, 包括切除肺或胸壁肿瘤的胸外科手术.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons have specialized expertise in weight loss surgery for 儿童和青少年. 我们了解肥胖儿童的独特需求. 我们高度专业化的专业知识使我们能够安全交付, 为年轻患者设计的有效治疗方法.

我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康FIT健康体重计划合作,提供减肥手术, 还有一些行之有效的减肥方法, 保持它,提高每个孩子的身体健康. 在手术前后支持你的孩子, 我们提供锻炼和养成更健康生活习惯的课程. 注册营养师会制定详细的营养计划,最大限度地促进孩子的健康.


Our expert team treats all types of vascular anomalies in children using the latest surgical techniques. 血管异常 (such as hemangiomas) and malformations are growths or birthmarks that form when blood vessels develop abnormally.

我们使用先进的成像技术来计划和实施这些手术, 这通常需要很高的精确度. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科外科医生擅长先进的技术, 包括激光, 安全地切除血管异常,同时尽可能减少疤痕. 使用团队方法, 我们与儿科皮肤科医生合作, 血液学家, interventional radiologists and plastic and reconstructive surgeons to deliver the most effective care.


作为儿科外科领域的全球领导者, 我们的团队治疗各种情况, 失调和疾病. We specialize in helping babies, 儿童和青少年 with conditions that are present at birth. 我们的专长还包括治疗后天性疾病, 比如事故和创伤造成的伤害. 我们治疗的一些最常见的情况包括:

  • 出生缺陷, 包括气管食管瘘, which happens when an abnormal opening develops between the windpipe and the esophagus (the tube that carries food to the stomach)
  • 童年癌症, 包括肾母细胞瘤(生长于肾脏), 神经母细胞瘤(起源于神经组织的癌症), 儿童期卵巢肿块及横纹肌肉瘤(软组织肿瘤)
  • 儿童肥胖
  • 结直肠疾病,如巨结肠病, 膀胱和肛肠畸形(下肠异常)
  • 疝, including umbilical hernia (intestines stick out through the wall of the abdomen through the belly button) and inguinal hernia (intestines bulge through the abdominal wall through the groin)
  • 炎性肠病(IBD),包括溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病
  • 漏斗胸(凹陷胸综合征)和凸胸(鸽胸)


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are highly skilled at performing even the most complex procedures. 我们有治疗婴儿、儿童和青少年的经验. 我们的专长是:

冷冻消融术技术: 我们用极冷的方法从身体的任何地方去除受损或异常的组织. 与开放手术相比,冷冻消融手术的疼痛和疤痕较少.

疝修补术: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 surgeons are skilled at minimally invasive techniques to repair many types of hernias in children.

炎症性肠病手术: Surgery for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis depends on the type and severity of the condition. 我们擅长所有外科手术,包括恢复性直结肠切除术. 在手术过程中, 我们切除患病的肠子,同时保持肛门完整, 使孩子能正常控制排便. We also specialize in advanced GI procedures, including those to remove all or part of the colon.

主犯过程: 该手术是治疗漏斗胸的一种微创方法. 使用几个小切口, 外科医生插入了一个定制的, 弯曲的杠铃进入胸部,然后旋转它,这样它就能把胸部推出来. 酒吧可以维持2到3年. 外科医生在门诊手术中取出铁条.

睾丸切除术(矫正睾丸): 在这个过程中, surgeons gently move the testicle into the proper place in the scrotum and stitch it in place.

切除良性肿瘤: 我们在门诊病人的基础上进行一些这样的手术. 这些包括切除良性(非癌性)囊肿的手术, 头部的肿块, 脖子, 树干, 胳膊和腿.

袖胃切除术: 这种减肥手术需要切除多达80%的胃, decreasing the amount a child is able to eat while still allowing them to absorb the nutrients they need to grow.

肿瘤外科: Our surgeons work closely with pediatric oncologists to treat a range of childhood cancers. 我们用最新的技术和先进的技术切除肿瘤.


All 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are distinguished as Fellows of the American College of Surgeons (F.A.C.S.)和美国儿科学会(F.A.A.P.). We deliver outstanding surgical care to your child with unparalleled expertise in inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons use the latest advances in surgical techniques to provide exceptional care to every child. 呼叫 310-206-2429 与专家联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons specialize in delivering outstanding surgical care to every child. 呼叫 310-206-2429 与专家联系.


有关您孩子即将进行的手术的更多信息, 请访问我们的患者和家属指南,为手术做准备.