
在食物即药物的哲学驱使下, 我们用营养来预防, 治疗和管理各种健康状况.

Nutritionist demonstrating value of fresh fruits and vegetables


The UCLA Center for Human Nutrition stands at the forefront of clinical practice and nutrition research. We provide individualized nutrition care and focus on helping you understand how nutrition affects your health and wellness. Our services are guided by our philosophy that food is a powerful medicine.


个性化的营养: 与您合作,我们根据您的独特需求量身定制护理. We assess your background, metabolic, social and behavioral factors that affect your health. Our team then provides custom nutrition guidance and movement plans that progress with your goals.

医疗和营养专家: Our team includes specialized 营养师 and doctors with additional training in nutrition. We also have psychologists and nurses who support you throughout your care.

授权资源: 而你的健康部分取决于你的基因, 你的营养和锻炼起着更重要的作用. We give you the resources and knowledge to take control of your health and live a full, active life. 我们的医生 and 营养师 offer one-on-one counseling and group classes, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的.

高级的、专门的程序: 我们有几项重点服务, 如癌症的临床营养, 医疗体重管理, 代谢疾病. We are one of the few health systems in the nation to offer outpatient nutrition services for tube feeding (enteral nutrition) and total parenteral nutrition (TPN).

细心的护理: We closely monitor your health and stay in touch with you through our patient portal, myUCLAhealth. You can upload your dietary intake and physical activity to myUCLAhealth or the mobile app, MyChart. Any concerning changes or data alerts our team to reach out to you immediately.


Our specialists understand how nutrition can help manage health problems, 以及健康问题如何影响你的营养需求. 我们的团队关心患有各种疾病的人,例如:

  • Cancer
  • 心脏病
  • 体重或肌肉量过低
  • Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol
  • 胃肠道疾病,包括管饲或TPN
  • 肥胖和体重增加
  • 妇女的健康,包括怀孕期间和怀孕后的营养, 绝经期和多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)


Our specialists use food as medicine to help prevent long-term chronic diseases. The right foods can reduce your risk of developing disease and improve your longevity. We also use food to help treat existing diseases and improve your overall health. We offer a variety of services and programs to help you achieve your healthiest self.


We provide one-on-one nutrition counseling for a variety of concerns in our 临床营养门诊. 我们的营养计划可能包括富含植物营养素的植物, 优质的蛋白质, 健康的脂肪, 维生素, 矿物质和补充剂,支持你的健康.


Conversations about weight often revolve around calorie intake and physical activity. 但体重也取决于许多其他因素,例如:

  • 环境
  • 食品质量
  • 遗传学
  • Gut microbiome (microorganisms in your gut that help with digestion and immunity)
  • 激素
  • Sleep
  • 压力和情绪

We consider all these factors when helping you manage your weight. 我们的专业服务包括:


We specialize in cancer nutrition to help prevent cancer and improve quality of life during treatment. We assess your current diet and recommend changes to lower your overall risk of developing cancer.

Our team also offers nutritional guidance as you navigate cancer treatment in our 圣莫尼卡癌症治疗诊所. We look for ways to improve your symptoms during treatment and maintain your weight and muscle mass.


我们的医生, 营养师 and nurse specialists work closely together to optimize your nutrition when you can’t eat by mouth. Our team cares for people who need tube feeding or TPN for many different reasons, 比如癌症和炎症性肠病.


我们经常在你住院期间提供营养服务. 我们的专家为以下方面提供支持:

减肥手术: 我们稍后见 减肥手术 管理你的饮食和药物.

移植的资格: Our specialists offer weight loss regimens in the hospital to help you qualify for a transplant.

管喂或TPN: We optimize your nutrition and comfort with tube feeding or TPN. Our team ensures you have a smooth transition from the hospital to home.


我们为符合条件的患者提供最新的护理选择 研究和临床试验. Our research has greatly advanced our understanding of weight loss medications. We continue to develop new weight loss therapies and optimize the use of nutrition for good health.

We are 五分之一.S. centers involved in Nutrition for Precision Health, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiative. This initiative aims to use artificial intelligence (AI) to help us predict what type of nutrition will be most beneficial. 使用人工智能, 我们希望匹配人们的基因, biology and health needs with the right foods for highly individualized care.


Our specialists provide the full range of nutrition treatments to support your health and wellness. We focus on long-term and consistent treatment for lasting results. 根据您的需要,我们可以提供:

  • 综合营养计划
  • 生活方式干预
  • One-on-one or group nutrition counseling with a doctor or dietician
  • 心理学家领导的团体咨询


Weight loss medications may help you achieve and sustain weight loss. Our team provides medications and monitors your health throughout your weight loss journey.

We also work closely with bariatric surgeons if you opt for weight loss surgery. We help you meet your nutritional needs and goals before and after surgery so that you experience long-term weight loss benefits.


Our specialists include doctors (endocrinologists and hospitalists), 营养师, 专门研究营养学的心理学家和护士. You can rely on our team for evidence-based care to help you maximize your health and achieve your goals. 认识我们的专家团队.


Call 310-825-7921 to request an appointment with a clinical nutrition specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. 联络医疗体重管理计划,请致电 310-825-8173.


Our specialists help you prevent and manage health conditions and meet your goals with individualized, 专家营养护理. 如需寻求临床营养护理,请致电 310-825-7921. 联络医疗体重管理计划,请致电 310-825-8173.